Beta version updates: ver 1.0a: 9/8/96 Fixed possessions and possession time in the Game Form. ( Note: if you saved any games in version 1.0 you must resave the game for the game totals to be correct. Just change anything on the game and change it back to save ) Fixed the wrong position file ( came up with baseball positions ). You must delete the file "positions.dat" in your football directory (if you are using version 1.0) to correct this problem. Then start up TurboStats for Football and it will create a new file for you. Fixed average/game calculations ( the values were doubled) for team totals Does not display minimum values for sorting Added more help when moving mouse over stat filter items ( also shows the calculation abbreviation in the help area) Abbreviations are shown in the Stat Filter when the mouse is moved over the stat checkbox Fixed printing of a single game box score New : now you can track stats for individual plays and print report summaries by plays. ( see sample team for example) New: paper miser check box in the File > Page Setup screen. Reduces confusion about printouts that don't automatically eject from the printer. If the paper miser is checked then any one report that would have printed on multiple sheets of paper will wrap under the stats from the page previous and will eject from the printer after the report is printed. ver 1.0b: 9/10/96 Fixed Quarterback Rating ( tested with NFL stats. It works fine now ) ver 1.0c: 9/11/96 New: calculates total points in reports. New ( key feature ): check box to turn off all players in report with zero stats in the category. ( great for separating the offensive/ defensive / kickers etc from appearing in the wrong reports ). Fixed: tracking of the longest ( run, catch, pass, fg, kickoff, punt, etc ) stat. Fixed: calculation of player totals. Fixed FG%. ver 1.0d: (9/16/96). Fixed the spelling of "Receiving" in the heading of the offensive stat reports. Fixed league merge feature. Fixed crash in game form if "Game Mode" scoring was on and you clicked in the No of Possessions or Possession Time boxes (error item #6 not found). Changed: now allows you to enter minutes & Seconds in the time of possessions box. ver 1.0e: (9/27/96). Fixed the long heading for PAT Attempts, PAT made, and PAT Blocked. Fixed the calculating of a players shortest kickoff and shortest punt and the team's shortest kickoff and punt. Added the ability to include assisted tackles as 1/2 or 1 tackle in the total tackles calculation. Fixed a problem creating reports if Kicking and Kick Returns are the only choices selected. Fixed team totals in Game printouts.